If you have kids, you know back to school is a particularly hectic time of year. Honestly, even if you don’t have kids, you can probably tell that there is a lot more hustle and bustle around town as all of the kids head back to the classroom, families enjoy Friday nights under the lights, and the whole community sees signs of school spirit everywhere.
As the school year gets underway, it’s important to set your family up for success – and less stress – with a few simple back to school tips to stay on track. With a few time- and space-saving tips and tools for your whole family, you’ll start each day organized and ready to take on whatever comes your busy way.
Tip #1 Establish a routine
The transition from laid-back summer days to a full schedule of after-school activities can be rocky. Even before school starts, begin establishing a before and after-school routine to keep your child on track with homework and other commitments.
Tip #2 Create a homework center
Having everything your child needs for his schoolwork will help make homework time in your household less chaotic. Gather the supplies your child uses on a regular basis and neatly store them for easy access when needed. Having everything neatly stored also makes it easy to put your supplies away when they aren’t needed and keeps your house less cluttered.
Want to help ensure kids in your community have the necessary supplies? Take part in BesTitle’s Back to School Supply Drive
Tip #3 Keep a family calendar
As you probably know, there are lots of ‘important dates’ when it comes to having kids in school. Whether it is when a big homework assignment is due, a practice schedule, or a meet-the-teacher night, you will want to keep a family calendar up-to-date and easily accessible. Include a bulletin board nearby to pin up notices and any paperwork that may need to be filled out.
Tip #4 Clean out closets
With some kids, getting dressed in the morning may be the most harrowing time of the day. Before school starts, clean out closets and get organized so your kids know exactly what they have to wear (even though they may say ‘I have nothing to wear!’ regardless) and you will know what they may still need. Of course, ideally, the closets will stay organized throughout the school year, but that may be too much to ask!
Tip #5 Get everyone’s help
Creating a chore chart to outline what everyone’s role is in keeping the house running smoothly can go a long way towards eliminating or at least reducing stress and frustration.
Tip #6 Organize a mudroom
Whether you have an actual mudroom or just a spot by the front door or in the garage, create an organized space for your kids to keep shoes, backpacks, outerwear, and sports gear. Simple hooks and baskets can do the trick and save you from scrambling each morning (and staring at clutter each night)!
Tip #7 Be prepared for lunches + snacks
Organize tubs of different snacks and lunch items in either your pantry or refrigerator. This will make packing lunches easier (so easy, in fact, anyone can do it!) and help to ensure your kids grab a healthy snack after-school.
Tip #8 Create a weekly dinner menu
It takes a little planning ahead of time, but creating a meal plan at the beginning of the week will make grocery shopping and lunch-making a breeze.
Tip #9 Carve out time for family
Life is busy, especially for those with school-aged kids. But now more than ever it is important to try to carve out a few minutes a day to be together as a family. Whether you are able to eat dinner (or breakfast) together, or just sit and chat about your day before bed, this time together will help reduce stress and strengthen your connection with each other.
BesTitle Back to School Supply Drive Details
Collection Dates: July 18th through August 16th
Where: Any BesTitle Location in Ohio, Kentucky, or West Virginia
We look forward to seeing friendly faces at our branch locations and appreciate your support and shared commitment to our students and communities.